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Can You See Who Viewed Your TikTok Video? Your Guide to TikTok Privacy

Can You See Who Viewed Your TikTok Video? Your Guide to TikTok Privacy

Posted on 17th Jan, 2025.

TL;DR (The Short Version)

  • You can see who views your profile and posts.
  • If you switch on this setting, others will also be able to see when you view their profile and posts.
  • You can choose between a public and private account for more control over your privacy.
  • Read on to discover how to change your post and profile view history settings.
Let's face it, we all like a little peek at someone's TikTok profile from time to time. Likewise, we like to see who's peeking at ours. But is there actually a way to keep tabs on who views your profile? And if you view other people's profiles and videos, can they see that you've done it?
So before you go scrolling through your ex's videos, we'll explain to you whether or not you can see who has seen your videos and vice versa.
Keeping tabs on views is useful for engagement, too. You can check how many and which types of users are watching what you post, helping you understand how to attract more viewers in the future.
Let's get into it.
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Post View History

Please note, the following information only applies to people over the age of 16 with fewer than 5000 followers.
Post view history shows you who has viewed your posts. The catch is that if you have this setting on, people can see when you've viewed their posts, too. So you can only keep tabs on your viewers if you're willing to give up your anonymity, too.
Post view history shows you views from:
-People who follow you who have turned on post view history and viewed your posts. -People who don't follow you but have liked or commented on your posts, whether they have post view history turned on or off. -People who have viewed posts that were posted in the last 7 days.
Here's how to change your post view history settings:
Post view history settings
  1. Open the TikTok app and tap Profile.
  2. Tap the Menu ☰ button at the top, then select Settings and privacy.
  3. Tap Privacy then Post views.
  4. Turn Post view history on or off. Remember, even if you turned the setting off, likes and comments on other users' posts will still appear to them as views.

Profile View History

Just like post view history, under certain circumstances, you can see who has viewed your profile, and sometimes others can see if you've viewed theirs. And, as with the post view history, you need to be over 16 and have fewer than 5000 followers to access this feature.
Profile view history allows you to see which TikTok accounts have viewed your profile in the last 30 days. If you turn this setting on and you visit a profile which also has this setting turned on, they'll see that you've visited their profile.
Here's how to turn change your profile view history settings:
Profile view history settings
From Settings:
  1. Open the TikTok app and tap Profile at the bottom.
  2. Tap the Menu ☰ button at the top, then select Settings and privacy.
  3. Tap Privacy then Profile views.
  4. Turn the Profile view history setting on or off as you prefer.
From Inbox:
  1. Open the TikTok app and tap Inbox at the bottom.
  2. Tap Activities then the notification that somebody has viewed your profile. You might have to scroll to see it.
  3. From your Profile views, tap Settings.
  4. Turn the Profile view history setting on or off.

Private vs Public TikTok Accounts

You can change the settings of your TikTok account to make it visible to everyone or just visible to those who follow you. Public accounts can be seen by all users, which also gives your video a better chance of making it to the FYP.
Private accounts, however, can only be viewed by you and users that follow you. With this setting, people won't be about to Duet or Stitch your videos. A private account gives you greater control over who gets to see your content, but it's not a common setting for content creators.
Remember, if your account is set to private, it will be much harder to grow a following.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does TikTok notify someone when you view their profile?

If you have your profile view history setting on, others will see when you view their profile. Likewise, you'll see when they view yours. If privacy is a key concern, switch this setting off.

Is there a way to see who stalks your TikTok?

By switching on your post view history and profile view history, you can see when others view your posts and profile. However, the catch is, others will see when you view their posts and profile. You have to decide whether you're willing to give up the privacy on your side to keep tabs on who views your profile.
By keeping an eye on who sees your posts and profile, you can get a better idea of the type of people that make up your audience, so if you're just starting out, you can shape your videos around your key demographic. This, in turn, will help you attract more followers.

Published by Smikky

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