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What is GRWM on TikTok? Your Guide to Filming This Popular Video Type

What is GRWM on TikTok? Your Guide to Filming This Popular Video Type

Posted on 20th Dec, 2024.

TL;DR (The Short Version)

A GRWM video is a 'Get Ready With Me' video - it does what it says on the tin. In these videos, content creators film their getting ready routine while chatting to the camera, sharing beauty tips, or giving life updates. Many creators often use the opportunity to indulge in some storytelling. Alternatively, GRWM videos can be used as a way to show beauty techniques or different fits.
Get Ready With Me videos typically rake in lots of likes, and we'll be sharing more about why they're so popular and how to make your own. Let's get into it!
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Why are GRWM Videos Great for Engagement?

Here's why GRWM videos can help you gain more followers.


For many viewers, GRWM videos are comforting. The familiarity in the daily routine of applying makeup or putting on clothing allows viewers to switch off their brains as well as providing them with an insight into the creator's life. These types of videos provide much-needed escapism, which is part of what makes them so engaging to fans of GRWM. Plus, just like ASMR, people can find the sight of people applying makeup relaxing, making the visuals of the videos comforting in and of themselves. The simplicity of the videos are relaxing.


These days, TikTok users crave familiarity and authenticity from influencers, not somebody they can't relate to. GRWM videos give viewers a glimpse into the real life of the creators they love, creating a sense of parasocial connection between creators and viewers.

Visual Hook

One of the reasons you see so many TikTok creators opening a video applying lip balm or unboxing something is because these visual hooks spark something in the brain that keeps people watching. Once you've hooked users in with the visual element that makes them more likely to watch on, you can take the opportunity to tell a funny story or help viewers get to know you better.

Beauty and Fashion Tips

If you're a beauty or fashion creator, a GRWM video can be a great way to show off your look. Viewers that are interested in beauty and fashion love these videos because they provide inspiration for fits and makeup looks.

Tips to Create an Engaging GRWM Video

Edit Well

Don't forget the basic principle of TikTok - people come to the platform for concise, eye-catching videos, not long video essays. Uploading a whole video of you applying makeup from start to finish can be too long and might switch some viewers off, so be sure to edit the video to make it catchier.
Split the GRWM up into sections rather than uploading just one very long take. This way, you can remove the fluff.

Talk About Something Different

If you're filming a tutorial video in which you're talking viewers through how to recreate the look, then talking the viewer through the makeup and clothing is great. Otherwise, while you can mention the products and techniques you're using, it can be more effective at creating a connection to talk about something different, such as telling the viewers a funny story from your life or sharing life updates. That way, you'll make viewers feel that they're getting an authentic glimpse into your life.

Make it a Transition

If you want to make your GRWM video more eye-catching, start by recording the typical GRWM content then turn it into a transition. Put your hand over the camera while you're getting ready, then remove your hand and show a clip of you with the finished look. This adds a fun element to the video that increases its chance of going viral.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does GRWM stand for on TikTok?

On TikTok, GRWM stands for Get Ready With Me and it refers to videos in which content creators film themselves getting ready. It's also used on other social media sites, such as Instagram Reels.

What is the meaning of FYI on TikTok?

FYI on TikTok means For Your Information. It's used outside of TikTok and social media sites, too.

Why are GRWM videos so popular?

GRWM videos are so popular for multiple reasons. These videos humanise creators and create an emotional connection between creator and viewer as the viewer gets an insight into the intimate parts of the creator's daily life. As well as creating that connection, GRWM videos allow creators to share funny stories in a more laid-back setting, or, in the case of beauty and fashion influencers, to showcase their looks in a more informal style of video.
If you're running out of content ideas and looking for ideas for content types that attract lots of views, consider a GRWM video. The visual hook helps to engage views and you can use this extra attention to tell a funny story or share information about your life. Use our top tips for creating a GRWM video that your existing followers will enjoy and will attract users to follow you!

Published by Smikky

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