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What Does Cap Mean TikTok? TikTok Slang 101

What Does Cap Mean TikTok? TikTok Slang 101

Posted on 21st Jan, 2025.

TL;DR (The Short Version)

  • 'Cap' is another word for a lie. If somebody is capping, they're lying.
  • If you say 'no cap' it means you're not lying.
  • TikTok has its own set of vocabulary, and you can improve your engagement by learning it.
  • Read on to discover the meaning of more of TikTok's most popular terms!
If you've ever heard the phrases 'cap' or 'no cap' on TikTok, they're not referring to headwear. Believe it or not, the term cap means to lie or exaggerate. If somebody says something is 'cap', they mean it's untrue. Likewise, if you say 'no cap', it means you're being honest and sincere in what you're talking about.
For example, you might tell a wild story on a TikTok video and say 'no cap' at the end, meaning everything you've said is completely true.
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When to Use 'Cap' or 'No Cap'

As with any TikTok slang, you can use it whenever it makes sense. You can use the phrases 'cap' or 'no cap' in any of your TikTok videos or in comments, but, remember commenting 'cap' on other people's videos can be offensive if you're implying they're lying!

The World of TikTok Slang

'Cap' and 'no cap' aren't the only phrases you're likely to hear on TikTok. If you use the app regularly, you'll know there's almost a whole dictionary of vocabulary that's used almost exclusively on this app and sometimes other social media spaces, like Instagram Reels.
Our other blogs cover topics such as ' What does ate mean?' and ' What does slay mean?', so you can get to know and learn the unique vocabulary that you'll find on the video-sharing giant.
While you don't have to use TikTok slang in your videos or comments, it can help you get more views. Unlike more traditional social media sites, TikTok can sometimes feel like a big international group chat, with trends and talking points making it easier than elsewhere for users to connect.
By using the vocab of this shared space, it's easier to connect with your followers and attract more.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is rizz?

Rizz is an internet word that means charisma, charm, or style. If somebody has 'rizz', they're likely cool, and may easily attract partners of their preferred gender. Put it this way: if somebody on TikTok tells you that you have rizz, it's a serious compliment.

What does sigma mean in Gen Z?

Sigma on TikTok (commonly used by Gen Z) seems to have a few meaning based on context. In general, it means cool, but in more specific situations it can refer to an independent man who exists outside traditional social hierarchies but is still successful. Think of it as an alternative to the traditional alpha male. A sigma can be a lone wolf or any other type of quality that makes them 'different', but they're a little too quirky to fall under the classic definition of alpha male. Just like rizz, its use is mostly complimentary.

What does cooked mean in slang?

Cooked is another way of saying screwed, in a bad place, or having problems. If you're in a bad situation and don't know the way out, you might say you're 'cooked', although the bad situation will likely be lighthearted. For example, you might say you're cooked because you forgot to get your girlfriend a Valentine's day present and she comes home in 30 minutes.

What does bop mean in slang?

A bop refers to a catchy song - one you can bop along to (as the name suggests). If you're enjoying a current trending song or TikTok song, referring to it as a bop is a big compliment.

What is brainrot?

Brain rot is a term often used in a tongue-in-cheek way. It technically refers to mental decline, but people will often refer to themselves as having brain rot as a result of spending too many hours on social media or watching too much Netflix.

What does coded mean?

If somebody shares characteristics or traits with somebody or something else, you might say they're '[insert thing/people] coded'. For example, if you had a friend who was obsessed with dinosaurs, you might say they were Ross from Friends coded.
So, there you have it! These are some of the most commonly used terms on TikTok. Learn them and use them as part of your content to improve engagement.

Published by Smikky

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