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Poor View-to-Like Ratio? Here's How to Fix It

Poor View-to-Like Ratio? Here's How to Fix It

Posted on 15th Nov, 2024.
Views are a hugely important metric on TikTok. Not only does getting a lot of views indicate that your profile is popular, but more views means more money if you're signed up to the Creator Fund.
However, views aren't the only thing you should be considering if you're looking to gauge your profile's popularity. If your content is getting plenty of views but not enough likes to match, there might be an issue with the content that means people are watching, but they're not enjoying. You're looking for around a 1 in 10 view-to-like ratio, so for every 100 people that watch your video, around 10 people should hopefully like it. Any more than that is great, but if you recieve less than 1 like per 10 views, it's not a good sign.
To solve this issue of a poor view-to-like ratio, let's first see what might be going wrong for your content then explore how we can fix it.
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Why Does Content Get Views But Not Likes?

There are various reasons that can explain why content gets more views than likes. Your content might be getting pushed to the front of the FYP because you have lots of followers or your TikTok SEO is great, but the videos themselves aren't landing with viewers. Your content might be bland or dealing with a topic that viewers simply aren't interested in.
Another reason could be controversial content. Your videos might generate a lot of views because of a controversial opinion or topic, but if people don't agree with the opinion, the video won't garner many likes.
Don't panic - if your content hasn't been doing as well as you'd like it to in terms of likes, there are ways around it. Implement the following tips to see an increase in your like count.

How to Increase the Number of Likes Your Content Receives

1. Buy More Likes

One of the most straightforward ways to solve having more views than likes is by buying more likes. You might be wondering how this solves the issue long-term. Well, believe it or not, videos that already have a high like count tend to receive even more likes. It's sort of a mind trick - when you're thinking about liking a video and you see others have already liked it, it reaffirms that you're making a good decision by liking it. It's like safety in numbers.
By buying affordable likes, you will inspire other viewers to like your content, resulting in an improved view-to-like ratio. In the meantime, it's worth analysing your content to try and establish where you might have gone wrong until this point and how you can make changes.

2. Experiment With Different Styles

If your content isn't getting enough likes despite people watching your videos, it points to an issue with the content. The problem is, there's no obvious clue to tell you what that issue is.
The solution? Experiment with different styles. By trying various types of content, you can experiment and see which videos gain more or less likes from your followers. If you discover that your 'Get Ready With Me' videos perform well, for example, make more of these. This strategy allows you to understand what your strengths are and what your audience likes to see. TikTok Analytics can help with this, too.

3. Ditch the Controversy

One common reason why a creator's content isn't doing so well in terms of likes, despite pulling in tons of views, is because of controversy. While viewers might flock to a video with morbid curiosity to see controversial takes, people don't tend to like content they don't agree with.
Although you might not see your content as controversy, do a double-check for any political opinions or jokes that could offend. While you consider this content is a problem, your audience might, so stay sensitive around social issues to stay away from potential controversies and boost your likes.

4. Follow Trends

Trends are the lifeblood of TikTok, so it's already a no-brainer that you should be participating in them whenever they fit into your content style. When people see videos involving trends they find funny or entertaining, it's almost an automatic like, especially when you put a unique slant on those trends. Discover trending filters, sounds, challenges, and editing styles by keeping a close eye on your FYP and searching for trending keywords.

5. Keep Content Concise

While the topic or idea behind your content might be super interesting, if the video is too long or the explanation too detailed, viewers will clock out. Unlike YouTube, people don't come to TikTok to watch hour-long product reviews or tutorials. TikTok is for snappy content that tells you everything you need to know within a couple of minutes or less.
If you're uploading videos that are either too long or involve too much rambling, a lot of people might watch it, but they won't watch to the end or interact with your video. Make sure to start all videos with a pull that keeps the viewer watching on until the end, and get to the point within the first 10 seconds. If your content isn't concise enough, you risk a poor view-to-ratio.

Lacking Views in the First Place?

Do you have the opposite problem - not enough views in the first place? Luckily, there are solutions. Getting more followers typically results in an increase in views, so focus on your follower count as a priority. Likewise, buying views can be an easy win in the first instance while you work on your long-term strategy to push your content out to a wider audience.

Published by Smikky

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